IP Address to Identify Geolocation Information

Pinpoint the Geographic Location of an IP Address

Identify a visitor's geographical location with lookup technology that determines the physical location of an IP address. Melissa's IP Locator is a Web Service that is ideal for e-commerce, website tracking, and end-user segmentation.
  • GET A FREE TRIAL: https://www.melissa.com/uk/global-location/ip-location

IP Locator

State-of-the-Art IP Address Lookup Technology

How much do you know about the geographic location of people who visit your website each day? To increase your e-commerce conversions and capture more Web leads, you need to understand where your customers are located.IP address location data helps your sales and marketing leaders create targeted campaigns and initiatives based on customers' regional dispersions.

Melissa ’s IP Locator uses 20 di­fferent techniques to determine the physical location of an IP address. This comprehensive IP data makes it ideal for making the most of your current Web traffic.

To request a free trial of IP Locator, please go to https://www.melissa.com/uk/global-location/ip-location

For example:
Sample IP Input -
Sample IP Output
Lat: 50.7160
Long: 7.0510
State or Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
ISP Name: T-Mobile Deutschland Gmbh
City Name: Bonn
Country: United States

What is an IP Address?

An IP (Internet Protocol) Address is a unique set of numbers (for example, 182.778.0.2) assigned to each computer. Like the unique street address assigned to a physical residence or business, the IP address distinguishes one networked computer from another. Melissa analyzes the IP Addresses of your Web visitors and appends valuable geographical information to each address.

Benefits & Features:
  • Profile Web traffic by geographical location  
  • Redirect users to specific language/country pages
  • Improve business intelligence
  • Returns lat/long data, Zip Code™, region, and more
  • Updated monthly
  • Display regionally-speci­fic products to visitors
